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Track 19: Medication Safety in Nursing

Track 19: Medication Safety

Track 19: Medication Safety in Nursing

Sub-tracks of Medication Safety
Safety in Older Adults, Polypharmacy, Opioid Medication Safety, Opioid Medication Safety, Nursing-Sensitive Medication Safety, Drug
Medication Safety Program
The Medication Safety Program aims to prevent adverse medication events by assisting clinicians and empowering patients to achieve best practice in medication management by implementing proven and sustainable strategies that are integrated across all health settings.

The Program adheres to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and is guided by state, national, and international objectives.
The Medicines and Technology Programs Branch oversees the Medication Safety Program, which contributes to the overall strategy to improve outcomes from medicine use coordinated by the South Australian Medicines Advisory Committee (SAMAC).

Program initiatives
Medication Safety Program initiatives include:
Assisting healthcare organizations with medication safety accreditation (National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard 4 – Medication Safety)
Standardized labels on medicines, fluids, and lines can help reduce the risk of medication administration errors.
When prescribing and administering medications, use standardized medication terminology, abbreviations, dose expressions, and symbols.
Standard medication charts are provided for patient care.
Implementing pharmaceutical reforms to improve medication management for patients transitioning from the hospital to the community by gaining access to medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Emphasizing high-risk medications and related strategies.
Supporting and reporting functions for safety audits.
Medication safety training and development.
assisting in the development of state-wide medication-related policies and guidelines