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Dr. Roger Colettii

Dr. Roger Colettii
Title: Treatment of Chronic Muscle Spasm and Pain with the CMECD® Procedure

Biography: Dr. Roger H. Coletti, developer of an injection technique for relief of chronic pain caused by chronic muscle spasm, gave three presentations on his findings at this year’s annual meeting of the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine, held Sept. 13-16 in Phoenix, Ariz. 

These presentations covered evidence of sustained relief of long-standing pain, safety of the medication Coletti has pioneered, and a challenge to the established interpretation of electromyogram findings when chronic muscle spasm is present. Abstracts of the presentations have already been published in the September issue of the peer-reviewed journal Muscle & Nerve. 
Coletti is now a full-time resident in Lewes, having retired from a long career in interventional cardiology, and he is beginning to train other physicians in the injection technique. He has also begun a collaboration with the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine to conduct further clinical trials.