Title: Patient and caretaker satisfaction with the UniSUC external catheter systemMaciej Witkos is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and...
Speech Title: Enhancing Mental Health with Artificial Intelligence: Current Trends and Future ProspectsBiography: Ms. Roua Aman RN, BSN, MSc in 2010 from...
Title: The Bike Ride Healing the Past, Empowering the Future: Understanding Childhood TraumaBiography: Humaira Nasim, NLP Master Coach, ACC | Trainer | Keynote...
Speech Title: Enhancing Resilience and Mental Wellness Among Healthcare Professionals AustraliaBiography: Ms. Christina Foxwell, CEO of Ignite Purpose and lead researcher of...
Title: Leading with Compassion: Transforming Care Services and Empowering CommunitiesBiography: Macky Naijuka is the CEO and founder of Good Neighbor...
Title: Transitional Care Interventions for Supporting Frail Older Adults Discharged from HospitalsBiography: Jee Young Joo has completed her PhD from the University of Iowa, IA, USA. She is a professor at Gachon University, Korea. She worked at...
Title: Social Determinants of Health and the Effect on Readmission risk and Surgical Readiness"Biography: He received his Doctor in Medicine degree from...
Title: The Mental Impact on Families Who Have a Loved One in the Intensive Care Unit and How Interventions May...